360 Quality

Something good for everybody


In addition to the various benefits for all participants of the supply chain, the work of the 360 Quality Association also adds several benefits to the general public such as:


Positive effects on the climate: Reduced carbon footprint and less food miles! Due to direct voyages and lower energy used for cooling down and maintaining cargo temperatures, the food miles and carbon footprint are reduced. A specialised reefer service picks up its perishable cargo and heads directly for its destination port, with very limited port calls only scheduled en route to add further cargo.


The Lincoln University recently published a study comparing the environmental impact of the two main methods of shipping fresh produce. This study reveals that specialised reefer ships produce 27% less emissions of greenhouse gasses than container ships. You can download the press release here:


Positive social benefits: smaller carbon footprint and less food miles and reduced loss lead to a more responsible exploitation of crops and thus a better sustainability.